ADD at the Balance Center

Yesterday was my appointment with Dr. D, the dizziness specialist at Ear Nose and Throat Associates. After waiting an hour, Pam and I were ushered into a tiny room, and a few minutes later, Dr. D came in.

I explained how I’d been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, and that my experience over the past several years was consistent with all the research I’d done about Meniere’s Disease. But now, it seemed that my symptoms had gone to another level. I used the term “Meniere’s Disease” several times.

After some more talk, Dr. D said, “You may have a condition we call Meniere’s Disease.” And he went on to explain it, while I was thinking, “Oh crap.”

In other words, he hadn’t been paying attention to anything I told him. Was probably thinking, “Great, another patient with an amateur diagnosis of a very complicated medical condition.” He let me ramble on, get it out of my system, until he could take over, rush things along, and try to get back on schedule.

Well, anyway, he gave me a couple prescriptions–one for when a vertigo episode strikes, another to help remove salt from my system (basically, by making me run to the restroom every five minutes). I’ll take a test on June 2 at ENT’s Balance Center which will confirm that, yes, indeed, Dr. D is brilliantly correct: I do have Meniere’s Disease. And we’ll go from there.

I am totally inspired with confidence.

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