Sex Scandals: Democrats vs. Republicans

While with my parents recently, the subject of sex scandals came up. There had been three involving Republicans right in a row–Mark Sanford, John Ensign, and Charles Pickering. It does sometimes seem that more sex scandals involve Republicans.

But I said I suspected that, if you go back over time, it all evens out. Sex scandals are a human issue, not a political issue. While Republicans seemed to be having a bad run, I figured Democrats had just as many scandals in their, uh, closet.

Today I came across an article on “Politics Daily” by Emily Miller, in which she argues convincingly that Democrats have the immoral edge. “Summer 2009 may go down as the season of Republican sex scandals. But if you look at the long history of political sex scandals, I think Democrats win both in quantity and (low) quality.” Then she starts naming names: the Kennedys, Clinton, Spitzer, Edwards, McGreevey, Condit, Hart, FDR.

Having worked in Congress, she talks about the overall sexual environment, but concludes that it’s not much different from anywhere else she has worked. She concludes:

“The worst sex scandals, in my view, involved Democrats. But, that said, all sex scandals taint our country and negatively affect our culture, so we lose every time another allegation surfaces.”

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