The number of internet users in the US and China is now equal. But they don’t use the internet the same way, according to an interesting study.
- 78% of Chinese internet users visit social-networking sites, compared to 54% in the US.
- 54% of the Chinese play online game “frequently or constantly,” compared to 27% in the US.
- 56% of Chinese spend at least ten hours a month in a virtual world (like Second Life), compared to a mere 6% in the US.
- Three times as many Chinese download or watch films online frequently.
- Chinese are five times more likely to use online dating service (only 3% in the US).
- 40% of Chinese internet users own a smartphone, that can do email and surf the web. Only 6% of US internet users own a smartphone.
The demographics–age breakdown, number of men vs. women–were the same. But very different populations. China’s huge population and fast development means they’ll very soon–maybe even now–have the world’s largest base of internet users.