Incrementally Saving the Environment

And now, a lesson in coffee preparation technique.

I use cream, and I always put it in first. That way, when I pour in the coffee, it automatically mixes. You don’t need to find one of those cheap plastic straw-things to stir it up.

Starbucks, being upscale, doesn’t condescend to using plastic tubes. Instead, they provide wooden sticks to elevate your stirring experience. They’re like popsicle sticks, but skinny and longer. Of course, I never use them, because my first stop when I enter the store is the cream counter. I pour Half & Half into my travel cup, and then go get my decaf. When they ask, “Leave room for cream?”, I say, “It’s already in there.”

I did that today. When the girl brought my coffee, she said, “Are you saving the environment one little wooden stick at a time?”

“What?” I asked. I had no idea what she was referring to.

“There’s another guy who always puts cream in first,” she explains. “He says he is saving the environment one little wooden stick at a time.”

Hey, it’s something.

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