Yearly Archives: 2006

Domain Name Trivia

Here’s a fascinating page which talks about domain names. I know–probably boring stuff to most people. But to me, with about 20 names registered with Network Solutions (3 for church, 5 personal, 14 for work), it’s pretty fascinating. For instance:

  • There are 676 possible two-letter sequences ending in .com, and all are taken. So are all 17,576 of the three-letter combinations. The United Brethren domain is a two-letter domain (, but with the .org extension. However, we’re still pretty lucky to have registered it early.
  • Of the 467,000 four-letter domain possibilities, nearly 98,000 are still available. For now. The writer says, “Choose one, and then manufacture a ridiculous backronym to explain it.” Like, or
  • The average domain name is 11 letters long.
  • The maximum-allowed length is 63 characters. There are 538 domains of that length, including one with 63 Zs. followed by .com.
  • The US Census Bureau lists 1219 male names, and all of them are registered. But not all of the 2841 female names are registered. All of the top 10,000 family names are registered.

Like I said, it’s interesting to me.

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UCLA Falls Down, Indiana Springs Forward

I’m embarrased by UCLA’s performance last night. Hey, it’s commendable that they got to the final, considering that 62 other teams didn’t make it that far. But I wish they could have put up a little more of a fight. Besides, I can’t stand any of the Florida schools. Miami, Florida, Florida State–a pox on them and their children! On their pets, too!

It was wierd last night getting home around 7:30, and it was still plenty light outside. Indiana has now joined the world of the biennial time-changers. On Sunday, we did the spring-forward thing. I guess there is some huge, utterly compelling benefit that Indiana will reap as a result of changing millions of clocks. Proponents say it’ll draw business to Indiana. Right. As if our majestic mountains and rolling valleys aren’t enough of a lure.

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Thoughts on the F Word and Presidential Pardons

If a guy in your church regularly drops the F bomb, is he regarded as a spiritual man? Would you put him on the church board? Make him an elder? Give him a Sunday school class to teach? I don’t want to create a spiritual litmus test based on verbal habits. But the Bible does talk about controlling your tongue, and in our society, using the F word is not considered a redeeming social quality, and certainly not descriptive of a man of God.

Matthew 15:18 talks about a man being defiled by what comes out of his mouth, and says that what comes out of the mouth is actually coming from the heart. David connected the two when he told God, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord.”

In my church, a person who drops F bombs wouldn’t be placed in any position of leadership, and wouldn’t be considered a spiritual example. Likewise with other forms of what would be considered profanity, vulgarity, cussing, or however you want to describe it. I suspect the same is true in your church. Almost seems like a biblical no-brainer, doesn’t it?

So why do we excuse it in our presidents? G. W. controls his tongue in public, but is known to use the F word in staff meetings and smaller circles. The same has been true of every president during my lifetime, except for Jimmy Carter. Everyone since Nixon has known how to wield religious language for public consumption. GW certainly has that down. When he can’t think of anything else to say, he throws out something that will earn points with grassroots religious people. (“Who is your favorite philosopher?” “Jesus.”) We evangelicals talk about him as a man of sincere faith, the same way evangelicals used to talk about Nixon and Reagan and GHWB being such fine, outstanding, committed Christians who hob-nobbed with Billy Graham. And yet, when we read accounts of GW using the F word, we excuse it for some reason just as we excused it with all of his predecessors. Whereas we would never excuse it for a person in our local church.

I don’t doubt that GW, at one point, had a life-changing religious experience. But past spiritual vitality is not proof of present spiritual vitality. Once you learn the Christian lingo, you don’t forget it, especially if you’re a politician. You can grow spiritually cold, but still sling religious terminology around to maintain the illusion of ongoing spirituality. We all know how easy it is to fool people. I’m not saying that’s the case with GW. But the Bible clearly states that what emerges from the mouth is evidence of what is in the heart. Nobody at Anchor who is on top of his game spiritually uses the F word. So I’m not inclined to give GW a pass, even if he is the President. Why should the President be held to a lower standard? Should be just the opposite.

Okay, now I’ve really really offended my evangelical friends.

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Obsessive TV Watching in the Pews

It’s interesting how much, at church, we talk about TV shows. Today I talked with Jon about “Battlestar Galactica”‘s finale, which took a highly unexpected twist and leaves us wondering where the show will head next. Joe and Jon and Rob and I talked about “Lost,” which is also popular among the worship team members (at practice on Thursday night, we often debrief about the previous night’s episode). There was some talk about “American Idol,” and, of course, about the NCAA playoffs (go UCLA!). I talked with Terry and Joe and Tim about “24.” Terry and Joe (father and son) are watching the first four seasons on DVD, having never watched them live; they are now well into the 4th season. Meanwhile, Tim and I are engrossed in season 5.

I have this idea for “24.” Jack Bauer has amazing bladder control. In five years, he has never once stopped, amidst that day’s frenetic issues with assassins and terrorists and otherwise deeply evil guys, to relieve himself. And yet–hey, everyone has to go to the bathroom now and then. Even a superman like Jack, who no doubt received top-level CIA training in Advanced Bladder Control. So in an upcoming episode, with some catastrophe looming, I’d like to see Jack say, “Hey, guys, you take care of this one. I really need to go to the bathroom.” Then he picks up a novel, something you wouldn’t expect from Jack–a chick book by Anne Tyler or Sue Miller, or anything from the Oprah Book Club–and heads into the men’s room. And in the final shot, where they show four plot threads in split-screen view, one of the shots would be of the men’s room door.

I think that’d be great.

Back to our congregational obsession with TV. Is that good, bad, or what? I don’t know. Less redeeming than talking about what we discovered in our personal devotions, obviously. It probably wasn’t all that different for my parents’ generation, the first TV generation. They just had only three channels’ worth of shows to talk about (which means there was a greater chance of common viewing habits). It is kinda fun to talk about, to compare notes on that week’s shows. But is it healthy? Beats me.

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Movie: The Gospel (Thumbs Way Up!)

the GospelTonight Pam and I watched “The Gospel.” Wow, what a strong Christian message! It’s basically a modern-day retelling of the Prodigal Son story. The DVD’s “Making of” featurette showed that the people who made this film are serious about their faith.

I was deeply moved by “The Gospel.” I grew up hearing that the story of the Prodigal Son is really about the “good” son who stayed home and was loyal to his father. Likewise with this movie. You had the prodigal and the good son, and they were at odds with each other. Each needed a different kind of redemption.

Rent the flick.

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Shameless Self-Promotion

I stumbled across (via a Google search) some kind words about my commercial site which sells Powerpoint background slides for church. A really large site called does a lot with Powerpoint and electronic projection in general. The fellow who runs it took a look at his favorites in various categories–favorite children’s teacher site, favorite free Powerpoint backgrounds, favorite Bible study site, favorite Holy Land photos. And:

“OUR FAVORITE COMMERCIAL POWERPOINT BACKGROUNDS – This is a hard pick. There are LOTS of great sites selling PowerPoint backgrounds. Our favorite is the “VideoScriptures” set available from Our second favorite is Steve Dennie’s material at:”

Well, that kinda made my day! You can read his words here.

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Movies: Redeye, Transporter 2, Battle of Algiers

redeyemovie.jpgWe watched several movies during the past few weeks, all rented through Netflix, in which we’ve been members for three years. Just think–for three years, we haven’t made a single trip to a video store. Zero time spent perusing the racks of recent and old releases, trying to decide what to rent. Zero time spent standing in long lines. Netflix is a pure time-saver…and money saver, all things considered.

battleofalgiers.jpgLast Saturday we watched “Redeye,” and the previous week we watched “Transporter 2.” Both were carriers of fairly mindless mayhem and mischief. Nothing particularly redeeming, just fun rides. We’ve never watched “Transporter 1.” We’ll need to do tht, because we kinda liked the sequel. An interesting kind of action hero.

I had heard about “The Battle of Algiers,” a French movie with subtitles made somewhere around 1960. It’s black and white, and involves how the French got booted out of Algeria (after having already been unceremoniously ejected from Vietnam). It was very, very good. At least, as a historical piece, I found it quite interesting. I had heard that it was filmed with a documentary feel, and that’s certainly the case. This one did, indeed, have some redeeming value.

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God is Good, Let US Thank Him For Our Food

This past Sunday, part of my pastor’s message dealt with prayer. He mentioned (not as a central point) that when people pray at mealtimes, they always pray the same prayer. Isn’t that true! I’m certainly that way. I have a basic Meal Prayer Template, and I don’t stray far from it. Mix up a few words here and there, but basically say the same thing.

What are the ramifications of that? Does it mean we’re praying on automatic pilot? Is a rote, meaningless prayer worse than no prayer at all? Or is prayer never meaningless? I don’t know. Don’t want to make a whole lot out of it. But I did laugh out loud when Tim said we all pray the same prayer over and over.

But I must confess–when I go out for lunch by myself (as I will within the hour), I rarely say a prayer over my meal as I’m sitting there at Wendy’s or Long John’s or Bob Evans. I used to, but somewhere along the line (some years ago), I stopped. I don’t remember why. Maybe it got to be just too automatic, ritualistic, dutiful, or whatever. When Pam and I eat out, we always hold a hand across the table and pray. But I don’t when it’s just me. Does that make me unspiritual? Less committed? Well, whatever the case, I’m not inclined to start again. I feel like I’m “removing the ancient landmarks” that scripture warns against.

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Bucky – On His Way Out

Does anyone disagree that it’s Bucky’s turn to hit the streets next on American Idol? It doesn’t matter how well he performs tonight. He’s on deck to exit. I guess we’ll find out for sure Wednesday night. I’m just putting in my bets now. And next week it’ll be Lisa. Then Elliott. Then it starts getting really really hard, so I’m not going to predict any further.

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NCAA Lethargy

On the Wednesday before the NCAA tournament started, I dutifully filled out my bracket. But, unlike in previous years, I lacked enthusiasm about it, and didn’t really care to spend the time needed to keep it updated during the two weeks of the tourney. I noted that I didn’t fairly well on the opening Thursday and Friday, but then I threw away the bracket. I love watching the games, but felt too busy to spend energy on the bracket.

Just as well. Everybody’s bracket has been busted to smithereens this year. I can’t believe UCLA, my favorite team (since my high school days in California, at the tail end of the Wooden/Walton era) is in the Final Four. According to ESPN radio this morning, the TV ratings are down, because everybody’s bracket is busted. Well, that’s just too bad.

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